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Off market properties in Metro Detroit
Our property types vary from “fixer upper” type properties to nice properties in great neighborhoods. Keep an eye out for emails from us as new discount properties come available.
Get On Our Preferred Buyers List

We end up posting many of our properties here on this website on our Property page… but also, many of our best deals don’t make it to this website because they get sold to our Preferred Buyers List before we have a chance to list them on this website.

As we buy and sell multiple of properties per month, the more information we know about you as a buyer, the easier it is to match you up with what you are looking for.

When you get an email from us before to open it and look at the available properties fast and contact us if you’re interested in a property right away. Our properties tend to go fast.

If you want to chat with someone on our team about your specific investment profile, feel free to call us at: 586-203-3232

We look forward to working with you! Be on the lookout for our next Property Alert Email!

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